Labels:arcade machine | blister pack | book | box | cassette tape | crt screen | kite | laptop | person | plaything | poster | windowpane OCR: Explore the City Movies Music Games Animation Raab NISSAN AUNCH Dewar's SONY LeVI'S TO SUBSCRIHE 95-Launch PORTIONS MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: MADE WITH For PC/Windows: For Macintosh: 486 33mhz machine 68040 Processor or faster w/ 8MB RAM 8MB RAM total QuickTime MACROMEDIA Double Soundcard Speed CD-ROM drive Double (4.5 MB Speed of free CD-ROM RAM Drive Color Monitor 8bit Color Monitor 13 or larger) (VGA or Better) System 1. Speakers QuickTime 2.0included Windows 3. or higher, Sound Manager 3.0 Quick Time for Windows 2.0 (included) 0000 (included) Published by 2Way Media Copyright 1995 2Wa Medic andits licensors All rights reserved QuickTime and the QuickTime Logo trademark of Apple Compute Media Windows DIRECTOR of the Mi Ma osoft omedia Corporation Inc.Made with ISSN 1081 Macro -5872 m ...